Demonstration 6th February, Berlin Friedrichshain
„There is a raid in the troublemakers district“

Leipzig, 12th January: Two or three hundred organized Nazi hooligans from all over Germany gather in the district of Connewitz to break glass. A small heads-up for this district in which still and again some troublemakers are living.
Berlin, 13th January: Five hundred cops storm a house in Rigaer street in the district Friedrichshain. According to the people who live there, later 8 other houses in the area were also searched. Friedrichshain is a dangerous district. For some time now snatch squads have been chasing suspects in the streets at night. A permanent heads-up for this district in which still and again some troublemakers are living.
Now there is a demonstration of these troublemakers. They concede it has been registered with the authorities. But at least that way it is a good opportunity also for low-key salon communists and their flock, to meet on the streets for once. In particular for those students and professional students, who see themselves beyond activism with their own strange thoughts and reflexions. But also for workers and family people, who have integrated themselves in a forced voluntary way. And for unemployed fans of alcohol. And especially for all those who endlessly sit in cultural and political events or watch ridiculous antifascist movies: Out to join the troublemakers!
It’s never to late for some rest of refractoriness, and even though there are far to many demonstrations in Berlin: This one is not wrong at all. It could be boring, like life itself. And also the Autonomen are not what they used to be. But still: The more people join, the more possible an offensive is. Allegedly there will be also people with guts and masks and they will need some cover through a mass friendly of guts and masks. In fact passivity and powerlessness is the worse. This paralysis and fear. So bug your friends, spread the word! Organise affinity groups and join: On time and without kids.
Demonstration, 6th February 2016, exactly 5 pm.
Rummelplatz wagon site, Gürtelstrasse 26, Berlin Friedrichshain
German version of this leaflet.